Why Consider Aqua Therapy for My Child with Autism?

Here are some helpful reasons why considering aqua therapy with the Play Project for your child with Autism in the Seremban Lake Garden area:
  1. Working in the water allows children to perform and learn movements that would otherwise be too difficult to perform on land. Returning to their land-based program then provides them the opportunity to practice movements which with they have become more skilled in the water.
  2. The physiological benefits of a warm pool include: decreased pain, increased range of motion, decreased sensitivity of sensory nerve endings, and increased joint range of motion.
  3. Vestibular stimulation from buoyancy and resistance improves a child’s ability to integrate sensory information.
  4. The viscosity of water gives a child time to react and experiment with the consequences of movement.
  5. The hydrostatic pressure created when partially or fully submerged in water improves circulation, increases the work of breathing, and gives the body 360 degrees of deep pressure.
Aquatic Therapy is one of the many types of recreational therapy that can play a primary role in enhancing the quality of life and productivity of a child with Autism https://www.playproject.com.my/aquatic-rehabilitation-therapy/