Drum Circle

Drum Circle, Drumming, therapy, speech, motor skill, drum

Drum Circle Drumming Helps Children with Special Needs

At The Play Project we utilized drumming as part of our therapy to help improve self-esteem, Impulse Control, Communication and Speech. Improve Motor Skill  such Hand-Eye Coordination, Social Skills, and more. We use drums of various sizes and a great variety of  percussion instruments  in our EIP group setting. How Does Drumming Help Children? Drumming is a fundamental element used in musical therapy to help children with special needs. Children who have difficulty expressing themselves, issues with communications or social skills can benefit from therapies using drumming techniques. Below are five main benefits that can be found when using drumming as part of musical therapy for children with special needs. Motor Skill Improvement/ Hand-Eye Coordination Children with special needs can have trouble with developing motor skills or with hand-eye coordination. With drumming, a child is given mallets as a tool to develop such skills. When more than one drum is used, a child is learning how to use mallets which will develop movement, fine motor skills and grasping among other aspects. Communication and Speech Drumming can also be used as a tool to promote communication and speech. Albert Knapp & Associates’ music therapist John Mew uses drumming as a way to promote speech and communication through the beat. By using the drumming sound, children can learn how to say words and even phrases and sentences over time during musical therapy. Impulse Control Techniques To improve impulse control, drumming is used to provide a calmer state of mind. Children are encouraged to express their emotions during the drumming sessions, essentially, getting all out that they need to. Social Skills Developing social skills is essential to a happy and healthy life. A child with special needs can take part in musical therapy involving drumming in a group setting to be able to strengthen social skills. During a group session, children will have to listen and pay attention, taking part in sharing as well as taking turns. Children learn how to take cues from each other to improve upon their social skills. Having fun and improving self-esteem Drumming is fun. Children of all ages love to make sounds from a drum and this technique has long proven a great one in musical therapy. Children have fun and improve their self-esteem at the same time to become more confident in their daily life. Mewsic Moves Blogs:Source of the Article The Play Project host a weekly Drum Circle and on special occasions we organize an all inclusive community drum circle!